
The Grécourt Gates never looked so good! Thank you to all the alums who sent pictures to honor the inauguration of Sarah Willie-LeBreton. Here’s the digital interactive mosaic—try your h和 和 discover where Smithies find joy.

提示:使用 和 – (upper right corner) to zoom in 和 out of the mosaic. 点击 放大镜 (upper left corner) to search for names, 类年, 或主题, 比如茶, 团聚, 或山地日. You can also click on any individual image to see the sender, class year, location, 和 caption. 




Oldest class year to make a submission




We knew it would be an eye-opener when we asked Smithies to share images for a Joy Mosaic. We’re delighted (和 not surprised) to report that this mosaic shows the deep connections between community 和 joy, 和 the ability of genuine community to enrich our underst和ing of each other. Here you will see individual images of joy—in as many permutations as there are people—和 also the extraordinary, 冒泡的, 订婚了, 有爱心的, 和 global Smithie community at its best.

As you navigate the interactive mosaic, you’ll see that many alums feel joy in connecting with Smithies (团聚 和 weddings are big). Some are into sensory experiences: l和scapes, 艺术, 在风中奔跑, 创作和听音乐. Others experience joy from their work for good causes. There are skydivers, kayakers, marathon runners, 和 rock climbers. For many, the joy of family shines through powerfully.


Check out these fun snapshots from a few of the alums who submitted pictures 和 read about what brings them joy.

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Victoria lived in Comstock House 和 the Friedman Ap艺术ments while at Smith. A government major, she studied in Washington, D.C., as p艺术 of the Picker Program, 和 at the University of Edinburgh in Scotl和. She now works in law firm administration. Annually, Victoria 和 her ’07 Smithie family have “Friendsgiving” in New Hampshire. “It’s a gift 和 a magical reunion each year,” she says.

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"Joy is the strong bond between the sisters in the great class of 1974. We've been together since 1970 和 are preparing to celebrate our 50th 团聚 in 2024."

Linda lives in New Jersey 和 reports that she enjoys swimming, aqua骑自行车, 园艺, 旅行, 和阅读. “My biggest joy is spending time with my gr和daughter 和 future Smithie, Naomi,” she writes. 澳门葡京博彩软件公司的退休受托人, Linda is a tremendously active volunteer, which includes being chair of the Smith Medal Committee, 她的班级主席, 以及澳门葡京博彩软件地区俱乐部.

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A Smithie-style celebration of birthday No. 75 ... 飞的高!

“I was the only female among the six ‘divers’ on our plane,” Mary explains. “一日为澳门葡京博彩软件,终身为澳门葡京博彩软件。!” Now retired from a rewarding career as an economist 和 economics professor, she reports: “I live in Florida for the warm climate. 我很怀念纽约的前卫. I am co-chair of planned giving for my Smith class. 很棒的志愿者职位. I get to encourage my classmates to be more philanthropic than they ever thought possible with zero immediate out-of-pocket cost.”

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和我女儿卡洛琳在巴黎. Caroline joined my class when I taught a five-week summer study abroad called The Art of Travel. 我们玩得很开心!

耶拿在圣. 奥斯汀的爱德华大学, 德州, as associate dean in the School of Arts 和 Humanities 和 as a professor of journalism 和 digital media. Her research 和 creative work focuses on oral history by the Chinese adoption community at Our China Stories.

She applied to Smith at her mother’s encouragement. “I didn't see myself clearly when I was young 和 had no expectation that I would ever be able to attend such an elite college. [My mother] had the imagination for me that I didn’t have for myself. I lost her in 2021, 和 am so grateful to her for seeing my future in a way I couldn’t.”

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文聪,Priscilla Li ' 18

I learned how to rock climb from my Smithie friends Pei Luo ’16 和 Claudia Yun ’17 in 2016. 攀岩给我带来快乐!

Priscilla was a mathematics 和 statistical 和 data sciences double major 和 the community education chair at the J和on Center’s community service organization. She lives in Durham, North Carolina, 和 works in data analytics for Square Inc. A volunteer with the Smith Club of China, Priscilla will be getting married next summer, 我是杨锦仪, 吠陀伽·巴辛18年, 和 Pinn Janvatanavit ’18 as her bridesmaids.

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Me at the office in the White House driving climate resilience!

Laurie finds joy in her work for the Biden administration “because I feel like I’m p艺术 of creating solutions that will save 和 protect generations to come, 和 ensure that humanity will be able to emerge into a new world where we are resilient 和 able to survive multiple climate risks. I have 旅行ed over the world 和 seen how past civilizations have been completely wiped out as a result of climate induced risks.” She also loves spending time with her seven-year-old son, 读厚厚的历史书, 和园艺.