
No college or university has more motivated 和 talented students ready to tackle today’s most pressing issues. We need their vision 和 leadership more than ever to build on the successes that generations of Smithies have already achieved—from shattering glass ceilings to making scientific breakthroughs to leading movements. 澳门葡京博彩软件基金是维系澳门葡京博彩软件的核心力量, ensuring that exceptional students can turn their disruptive ideas into meaningful action, 拥抱变化,改变我们的世界. 你的礼物驱使澳门葡京博彩软件澳门葡京博彩软件们前进. 当你为澳门葡京博彩软件基金提供动力时,澳门葡京博彩软件就在为世界提供动力. 今天给.



微小的种子会带来美丽的结果. 澳门葡京博彩软件基金也是类似的——小礼物发芽,支持学生成长. Make a gift to an area of the college you love—like 可持续性 or student life—or give to the general Smith Fund 和 we’ll use it where it’s most needed. 




做… 用信用卡送礼或作质押, 请使用我们的 网上捐赠表格 或致电800-241-2056,选项1,工作时间,周一至周五,上午8:30.m. 到下午4:30.m.

做… 证券赠与; 请使用我们的 股份转让表格 or call 800-526-2023, option #2, or 413-585-2036 during business hours, Monday–Friday, 8:30 a.m. 到下午4:30.m.

做… 支票赠送; 请发送至:
北安普顿,MA 01063
澳门葡京博彩软件税号: 04-1843040


让你的激情和你的钱包保持一致. 选择你想如何指定你的礼物给澳门葡京博彩软件基金. If you decide not to designate your donation, we’ll use the funds where we need them most.

澳门葡京博彩软件基金 is the driving force that sustains all that makes Smith exceptional 和 equips Smithies to follow their passions 和 change the world for the better. 当你向澳门葡京博彩软件基金会捐款时, you help us meet our most urgent needs 和 allow us to direct the funds to where they’ll be most impactful.

家长基金 helps to ensure that each student benefits from all that Smith has to offer. 家长基金 exists to enhance 和 protect the college’s commitment to prepare promising students to think critically 和 creatively, 积极履行公民义务,追求有意义的工作.

Throughout her life, Ada Louise Comstock 1897 demonstrated her commitment to the education of women. Donations to the Ada Comstock奖学金援助基金 support the financial aid of a diverse group of students who faced the interruption of their education 和 have come to Smith to complete their experience. 在您的支持下, 这些优秀的学生, 年龄从20多岁到60多岁不等, 能发挥他们作为澳门葡京博彩软件社区一份子的潜力吗.

The Ada Comstock Scholars Program enables students of nontraditional college age to complete a bachelor of arts degree either part time or full time. 你的礼物支持了项目本身, 帮助资助学术咨询, 为阿达·康斯托克澳门葡京博彩软件提供职业咨询和住房.

澳门葡京博彩软件的雄心勃勃的学生应该得到特殊的职业准备. 捐赠给职业服务基金支持拉撒路中心的各个方面, 包括职业咨询, 实习及奖学金安排, 工作坊及活动.

Smith is renowned for training 艺术家 who create thought-provoking works of art that shape the way people see 和 interpret the world. Your gift directly supports this endeavor—和 extends the benefits of an arts education to all Smith students—by funding the operations of Smith’s art, 跳舞, 电影及传媒研究, 音乐系和戏剧系, 还有课外项目.

澳门葡京博彩软件的文科课程是动态的, 和 faculty members are encouraged to innovate—continually developing new courses 和 modifying existing courses to reflect the changing times. Your gift supports academic programs 和 provides resources for faculty members to introduce new assignments 和 projects, 结合客座讲座和领导实地考察和实践经验.

澳门葡京博彩软件的社区像世界本身一样丰富多样时,它就会繁荣起来. 当你给EI基金捐款时, 你支持参与的计划, 联系并拥抱弱势学生. 更多的 importantly, you help create the shared sense of belonging that makes Smith—和 Smithies—strong.

设施基金支持澳门葡京博彩软件标志性校园的维护和保养. 向该基金捐款有助于修复澳门葡京博彩软件心爱的历史住宅, 同时为新的学术和行政大楼铺平道路, 当今的学习环境需要尖端的建筑.

Gifts to the 教职员支援基金 allow Smith to provide highly competitive compensation packages, 这意味着学生们正在向他们所在领域的一些最好的澳门葡京博彩软件学习. 你的天赋会帮助澳门葡京博彩软件吸引思想领袖, 艺术家, 作家, 研究人员和科学家,他们将激励我们的学生和全球社会.

Your gift to this fund helps the two-thirds of Smithies who rely on financial aid to attend Smith. 一般财政援助支持所有学生的教育, 包括国内, 国际, 和Ada Comstock澳门葡京博彩软件.

澳门葡京博彩软件每天都在国内外影响着世界. 通过资助国际项目基金, you facilitate the unique learning opportunities 和 国际ly focused programming that prepare Smithies to affect change wherever life takes them.

澳门葡京博彩软件的学生来自世界各地. 我们目前有来自超过65个国家的与会者! Donations to International Scholarships specifically fund financial aid packages for our 国际 student population.

澳门葡京博彩软件的紧密团结的社区使澳门葡京博彩软件的经历更有意义, allowing students to form bonds that last a lifetime by participating in activities together. 你的捐赠资助了校园里众多的课外活动, 从俱乐部到体育运动到学生会.

每年, many students enrich their college experience by studying away from campus—whether in the U.S. 还是在国外. Your gift supports students as they step beyond the Grécourt Gates to explore new locations, 发现自己的激情,拓宽自己的知识面.

对我们星球的未来充满热情? Gifts directed to the 可持续发展基金 support our efforts to maintain 和 innovate green practices throughout campus so that our footprint remains small as our legacy grows even stronger.



澳门葡京博彩软件基金是大多数校友、家长和朋友支持学院的方式. 这是一个年度基金,这意味着我们每年都要求捐款. 在2022-23财年,澳门葡京博彩软件基金筹集了11美元.来自8500多名捐赠者的300万美元.

Smith Fund donations never go to the endowment—the funds are spent in the year in which they are received. 这意味着这些资金将立即用于支持今天的学生. 更重要的是, 你可以选择把你的礼物用在哪里:经济援助, 多样性和包容性, 可持续性, 和更多的.

校友的捐款影响我们的参与率, 这是一种影响大学排名等重要结果的衡量标准, 所以你的年度礼物对学校的成功至关重要. 每一份礼物,无论大小,都能带来不同. 每年,该学院从100美元或更少的捐赠中筹集近50万美元. 你的捐款有助于教育明天的变革者.



“被认可为澳门葡京博彩软件之星真是太棒了. It’s one of those things that can have a domino effect—by wearing my star at Reunions 和 being a proud role model, others who are on the fence about donating will hopefully become motivated to donate as well.”

澳门葡京博彩软件的星星 are donors who have exhibited steadfast loyalty 和 support of Smith by contributing to the college for five or more consecutive years. The loyalty 和 generosity of the Smith Constellation is exceptionally meaningful to the continued success of Smith’s mission: to educate women of promise for lives of distinction 和 purpose.


给所有老年人打电话! 你准备好参加这个已经持续了几十年的捐赠传统了吗? 每年, Smith seniors raise money toward a class gift that is presented to the college on Ivy Day. 给学校做你的第一份正式礼物,即使只是5美元. If every senior makes a donation of $5, the class will raise over $3,000 for students this year. 你甚至可以选择你的礼物将支持什么:经济援助, 出国留学, 可持续发展及更多.


Many employers sponsor matching gift programs 和 will match charitable contributions made by their employees. 了解贵公司是否有配对礼品政策, 请在下面输入您的雇主名称或向您的人力资源部门查询. 一些大雇主提供非常慷慨的匹配.


If your company matches, you may be able to access the forms directly through the search. Follow the procedure described below; if needed, our staff will be happy to assist. 你的礼物的影响可能是两倍甚至三倍! 有些公司会匹配退休人员和/或配偶的礼物.


匹配的礼物志愿者格兰特 提供的资料




北安普顿,MA 01063

电子邮件: thesmithfund@traitementdesvarices.com

澳门葡京博彩软件基金的营业时间是周一到周五,早上8:30.m. 到下午4:30.m. 夏季工作时间(从5月下旬开始)是周一到周五上午8点.m. 到下午4点.m.
