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Architecture & Urbanism

Smith’s architecture program combines studio work with courses in architectural history. In studios, 学生探索建筑环境“作为一个人体验它,“手工制作模型, 使用激光切割机和复杂的计算技术设计. Classes on urban space, public architecture and landscape design complement studio work. 学生们经常在当地的项目上工作 MacLeish Field Station in Hatfield.



  • develop familiarity with original works of art and/or architecture and with research tools appropriate for the discipline, 包括印刷奖学金, online databases, 以及各种参考资料; 
  • 以书面形式有效地传达他们的想法, 口头形式和(适当时)物质形式, including public presentations that rely upon the display of visual images or artwork;
  • engage a range of disciplines in their work, in the spirit of a liberal arts education.


  • demonstrate fluency in practices or techniques in the current field of practice for at least one medium (e.G、绘画、装置、摄影、数字媒体); 
  • demonstrate proficiency in an extensive and pertinent vocabulary for describing their own work and the art historical antecedents with which it shares relationships; 
  • demonstrate familiarity with professional practices and global perspectives within the cultural landscape of contemporary art;

考核(主修和辅修): Students will be assessed through periodic faculty and peer critiques of their work and reviews of their written and oral abilities.

考核(仅限专业): Students will create a body of work for final exhibition that results from deep engagement in the process of making and demonstrates an awareness of the contemporary and historical context in which the work exists. 这项工作将通过同行,教师和外部批评进行评估. 

学生还将以专业水平完成本专业, 他们工作的文件组合, 包括视觉和书面材料.


  • 学会阅读原始对象, architectural settings, 以及分析性综合写作;
  • 表现出对不同空间方式的熟悉, monuments, and objects have intersected with lived and imagined experiences throughout history and the world over;
  • 展示在自主研究方面的专业知识, 包括熟练掌握一系列的方法论和跨学科的辩论.

Assessment: Students will be assessed in classes, through faculty reviews of their written and oral abilities.

Students will also complete a capstone research seminar that results in a sustained piece of original research, 以口头形式提出,并提交一篇论文. 15页,由教员评估.




Students entering Smith College in the Fall 2020 semester (or after) are subject to the following requirements. All others have the option of following this set of requirements or the one in effect when they arrived at the college or declared their major.


1. arh110艺术及其历史

2. 从以下课程中选择一门100级课程:
ARS 162, ARS 163,或ARS 172 

3. 以下两个介绍性建筑设计工作室:
ARS 280 and ARS 281

4. 以下高级建筑设计工作室之一:
ARS 380 or ARS 381

5. 一个工作室的艺术课程在另一种媒介

6. Three 200-level or 300-level art history courses focusing on the built environment (of which at least one must focus on a pre-1800s era and at least 我们必须把重点放在18世纪以后)

7. Two architecture-focused elective courses (to be selected with guidance from advisor)

8. One art history research-focused seminar (with final paper focusing on the built environment, to be taken at Smith)

It is recommended that a student contemplating application to a graduate program in architecture take at least one semester of physics and at least one semester of calculus, 在咨询了她的主要顾问之后.

**I应对当前前所未有的形势, the Department of Art is allowing up to two Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U) courses from Academic Year 2020–21 to count towards the major.**



专为希望专注于建筑的学生设计, 虽然他们是另一个系的学生. 这门辅修课程旨在向学生介绍历史, 建筑环境的设计和表现.

1. 三个课程,从这个列表中选择:

  • ARS 162, ARS 163或ARS 172
  • ARS 280 or LSS 250
  • ARS 281 or LSS 255

2. Two 200-level or 300-level art history courses focusing on the built environment (of which at least one must focus on a pre-1800s era and at least
3. arh110艺术及其历史


Architecture & 城市主义荣誉主任:Elisa Kim(2021年秋季),Frazer Ward(2022年春季)

艺术系每年都会组织一次关于荣誉的信息交流会, 这门8学分的课程侧重于独立研究. We strongly encourage interested students to attend this discussion of important deadlines and the timeline for applications. 学院的官方要求、指导方针和截止日期可在网站上找到 class dean’s website.

All candidates will present their work in a public presentation to the art department, 在四月底或五月初.



  • At least a 3.在大三期间,所有专业课程的平均绩点(GPA)为4分
  • At least a 3.到大三所有专业以外的课程GPA均达到3分

澳门葡京博彩软件课程(包括Picker和Smithsonian), 五所学院和澳门葡京博彩软件大三留学(佛罗伦萨), Geneva, Hamburg, (巴黎)的成绩也算在GPA里. Smith College grades from the first year are counted in the GPAs outside and inside the major.

有机会获得艺术系荣誉, 你必须有很强的一般和艺术专业的学术背景. You must be able to work independently, and you must have thought long and hard about your project. 到你提交申请的时候, 提案需要明确, 全面而具体地发展.

荣誉论文的8个学分“计入”艺术系学分.e.,它们构成该专业64学分的一部分)。. This is one of the reasons why many ambitious and accomplished students choose not to do honors; they find they would rather take other classes—either in art or other departments—to broaden their background.

The 南希·克肖·汤姆林森纪念基金 offers financial support to offset some of the expenses related to the honors thesis project. 您的资金申请需要包含在申请中.

论文将占荣誉指定的60%. For ARH, the expected length of the thesis is about 60-80 pages (excluding bibliography). For ARS/ARU students this will be based on work through the year and final exhibition. The final Jannotta Gallery exhibition must consist of work that comprehensively addresses and resolves the thesis topic. 它必须以展示最佳专业实践的方式安装. 对于美术馆外的特定场地的作品, there must be a Jannotta Gallery exhibition component comprising of appropriate documentation materials.

口头部分将占荣誉指定的20%. 这包括公开陈述和辩护. 通常安排在课程最后一周的周一, honors students are required to give a formal presentation of their work and field questions on their project. This event is public, members of the department will attend and students are encouraged to invite friends and family. The directors of honors and advisers will rehearse the presentation with you during the spring semester. 在考试期间,学生需要参加答辩. For ARH, students are asked to briefly summarize the findings of their thesis and field questions from the members of the thesis committee as well as any other member of the art department who has read the thesis. For ARS/ARU, this will consist of a critique of the final exhibition with the members of the thesis committee.

Your thesis adviser and second reader each provide an honors designation (highest honors, high honors, honors, pass, or fail). 如果他们完全不同意, a third/fourth reader is assigned by the director of honors in consultation with the department.


Thesis: 60 percent

Architecture & Urbanism Faculty