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鉴于当地和世界范围内基于种族的仇恨和暴力行为日益增多, 澳门葡京博彩软件已编制此网页,以明确学院有关种族的反歧视政策, 宗教, national origin, 共同的祖先也适用于反犹主义和伊斯兰恐惧症.

Outlets on Campus



学生可以利用澳门葡京博彩软件的课程,帮助进一步了解当前以色列和巴勒斯坦冲突发生的背景, offered by departments that include anthropology, 政府, 历史, Jewish studies, Middle East studies, 哲学, 心理学, 宗教, 社会学, world literatures, 和其他人.





Working with collaborators, the college will offer intensive trainings for students, 工作人员, 防止和打击反犹太主义和反穆斯林偏见.

Spring 2024

April 18, 2024

April 16, 2024
雷切尔·鲁宾斯坦谈到了“反犹主义的多重面孔”.” This event was open to the Smith College community only.

April 15, 2024
在对巴勒斯坦记者Plestia Alaqad的虚拟采访中, 我们听她讲述她作为记者和作家的经历. 在活动之前和活动期间都有机会提交问题. The event was free event and open to the public; all Northampton community members were welcome to join, as well as Five College students. 

April 11–12, 2024
“Conversations Beyond the Headlines: Palestine and Israel”

April 5, 2024
国家联盟建设研究所(NCBI)举办了为期一天的领导力平等和包容研讨会,这是一个高度参与性的体验,学习者参与其中进行自我反思, sharing of personal experience, conversation in small groups, and skill development. NCBI是一个致力于消除种族主义和其他形式的压迫的国际非营利性领导力发展网络.

February 27, 2024
澳门葡京博彩软件社区与穆斯林宗教顾问金·奥尔斯顿(金正日阿尔斯通)和牧师玛蒂尔达·坎特韦尔(Matilda Cantwell)聚集在一起,为中东和北非(MENA)背景的学生讨论当前问题. 

February 15, 2024
澳门葡京博彩软件的 on-campus community was invited to join a conversation between Justin Cammy, Professor of Jewish Studies and World Literatures, and Suleiman Ali Mourad, 米拉米. Sampson Professor of Religion, and moderated by Darcy Buerkle, Professor of 历史, 他们探讨了反犹太主义、反穆斯林和反阿拉伯人的偏见. This event was held on Thursday, February 15, at 4:30 p.m. in Sweeney Concert Hall.

February 8, 2024
The Smith community was invited to a Generating Justice and Joy gathering on February 8 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. in Helen Hills Chapel. 所有人都被邀请加入宗教和精神生活中心和主席萨拉·威利-勒布莱顿, along with the Office for Equity and Inclusion, to “break bread” together. 当我们与中东及其他地区的暴力斗争时,将提供一顿健康美味的热餐(有DF和GF选择的素食), 分享我们共同的人性和对更美好世界的集体希望.



  • 如果您对人身安全有担忧,请致电413-585-5555校园安全.
  • 举报反犹太主义或伊斯兰恐惧症的行为,请拨打校园安全热线413-585-5555或北安普顿警察局电话413-587-1100. 
  • 报告 violations of college policies by contacting Martha Alexander,非歧视倡议主任和第九条协调员.
  • 报告 acts of discrimination through Ethicspoint.

Find 支持

Center for Religious & Spiritual Life:

Matilda Cantwell, Director of Religious & Spiritual Life and College Chaplain
Rabbi Bruce Bromberg Seltzer, Interim Jewish Student Adviser

学生 can reach out to Counseling 服务.

Employees can reach out to the Employee Assistance Program (EAP).

每周三下午12-1:30提供每周一次的支持性空间.m. 在海伦希尔斯教堂的博德曼休息室,犹太学生可以探索以色列/巴勒斯坦,并对当前的气候做出反应, facilitated by Interim Jewish Student Advisor Rabbi Bruce Bromberg Seltzer (please be in touch to join this group).

Every Friday, Spring 2024
Jummah, 12:30 p.m., Off Campus
The CRSL invites students to join us for Jummah at the Hampshire Mosque in Hadley. 该小组将于下午12:25在海伦希尔斯教堂前会面. 面包车将于下午12:30离开校园,不迟于下午2:30返回校园. 记得带上祈祷毯,提前完成你的沐浴. There are extra prayer rugs in the Blue Room, if you need one! Sponsored by the Center for Religious and Spiritual Life. To RSVP, email

SCJC Shabbat, 5:30 p.m., Kosher Kitchen, Jordan House
每周五晚上与澳门葡京博彩软件的犹太社区一起庆祝安息日. Please email for more information. All students are welcome.

Our Principles and Addressing Conflict

Over the course of the fall 2023 semester, 校长萨拉·威利-勒布莱顿写了多封信,肯定了学院的五个关键原则 防止, 停止, and redressing antisemitism, Islamophobia, and other forms of discrimination on campus:

一些反犹太主义和仇视伊斯兰教的行为也是犯罪或违反民法. 澳门葡京博彩软件严格禁止一切形式的反犹太主义和伊斯兰恐惧症. 

Antisemitism includes acts of violence, discrimination, 骚扰, and hatred against a person or persons who are, or who are perceived to be, of the Jewish faith or ethnically Jewish.
Islamophobia and anti-Arab bias include acts of violence, discrimination, 骚扰, 以及对穆斯林和阿拉伯人以及那些被认为是穆斯林或阿拉伯人的人的仇恨.