


This grievance procedure is provided for exempt/administrative and nonexempt/ administrative support staff of the college recognizing that, 不时地, 各种各样的问题涉及到工作关系和雇佣条件. 以确保工作人员的不满得到充分考虑, 本程序是为解决此类申诉而进行审查和上诉的一种方法. The college recognizes that staff members have the right to file complaints with various federal and state agencies. 然而, the college has established this internal procedure with the expectation that it will provide an effective means of resolving grievances without the necessity of federal or state remedies.

A staff member should feel free to discuss any problem informally with his/her 主管 or 部门主管, 或者人力资源办公室的员工, 在任何时候,没有讨论被视为正式申诉程序的一部分. 然而, 当工作人员希望学院正式考虑他/她的问题时, 他/她将遵循以下程序.

这一程序适用于所有令人不满的问题(性骚扰除外), or complaints covered under the College’s EEO policy) which involve the work conditions and relationships within a department and/or the interpretation and application to individuals of general employment policies and procedures. The actual terms of employment policies and employee benefit plans are not matters to be covered by this procedure. 对于某一特定事项是否适用于本程序存在疑问时, the Associate Vice President for 人力资源 will refer the matter to Senior 工作人员 members for determination. Application of the procedure will be denied only where the matter is not a grievable issue or is one in which the grievant has no direct interest, or in other circumstances in which the use of this procedure would clearly endanger its effectiveness as a means for review and appeal of staff members' grievances. 新员工在入职培训和审查期间不适用申诉程序. 自愿辞职不受申诉程序的约束.

A decision issued at any one step of the procedure will be final and binding for that grievance unless the grievant initiates an appeal to the next step. 雇员在规定的时限内未收到决定的, the failure to respond will be considered a denial of the grievance and he/she may proceed to the next step. 然而, the time limits described in any step may be extended by mutual consent between the parties concerned. 任何有关方面的书面答复应于答复日期当日邮寄.

任何雇员采取的任何形式的报复行动(例如.g., 部门主管, 主管, or co-worker) against any other employee as a result of that person's seeking redress under this procedure, 配合任何调查, 或以其他方式参与本程序下的任何程序是被禁止的. 任何此类报复行动都将成为单独申诉的基础.


The first three steps in this grievance procedure are informal efforts to resolve problems where they arise and with the parties directly involved; the fourth and fifth steps provide a means of further appeal to the Administrative or 行政支持 工作人员 Grievance Committees and to the President of the college. The staff member may be accompanied and represented by another individual at Step 3 or 4 of this procedure. He/she must include the name of that representative in the written requests submitted to the Associate Vice President for 人力资源 (i.e.(如要求进行第三步面谈及/或要求进行第四步聆讯).

An employee will follow the steps in the order described below; however, 如果有问题,可以直接联系人力资源办公室, 对于特定的不满, 与主管或部门主管讨论这个问题似乎不合适. 也, 如需更多信息,可随时与人力资源办公室联系, 指导, 或协助解释本申诉程序的任何部分.


在 30 导致问题的事件或操作的日历天数, 该员工将与直接主管讨论投诉, 在某些情况下, 会是部门主管吗. The 主管 will provide the grievant with a brief written summary of the problem and a response to it within 五个 calendar days following the meeting. (如果直接主管是部门主管, the next step in this procedure is Step 3; otherwise, 第二步适用.)


如果主管的答复不能使员工满意地解决问题, 他/她可以向部门主管提交投诉的书面描述 五个 自主管书面答复之日起的日历日. The 部门主管 will discuss the situation with the staff member and will provide the grievant with a written response within 七个 收到投诉书面说明后的日历日.


如果部门主管的回应没有解决员工满意的问题, or if the Office of 人力资源 has made a decision which is not satisfactory to the staff member, he/she may request that the complaint be reviewed by the Associate Vice President for 人力资源. This request detailing the complaint must be submitted in writing to the Associate Vice President within 七个 自部门主管书面答复之日起的日历日. 助理副总裁将尝试与内部有关各方一起解决问题 14 收到申诉后的天数. 如果问题解决了, the Associate Vice President will issue a written summary of the matter with copies to all parties concerned. 如果无法达成解决方案,助理副总裁将以书面形式通知所有各方.


(a)主管人力资源的助理副总裁尚未解决申诉, the staff member may request to have the grievance heard by the members of the Administrative or 行政支持 工作人员 Grievance Committees. 向适当委员会提出的请求必须通过内部人力资源办公室提交 14 自步骤3中助理副总裁书面声明之日起的日历日. 请求将包括以下内容:

  1. a description of the incident or action which caused the complaint and specifically what the complaint is;
  2. 工作人员认为该事项的令人满意的解决办法;
  3. The name of the representative if the staff member has decided to be accompanied and represented by another individual at the Grievance Committee hearing.

(b)在 七个 收到聆讯要求的天数, the full committee will hold a preliminary meeting to review the grievance and determine whether the grievance merits a full hearing. 如果委员会认为有必要举行听证会, 它将指定听证会的时间和地点,并通知所有当事人. 在听证会上, 委员会将审查整个案件, 可以寻求更多的相关信息吗, 并可能采访任何当事人. The grievant or his/her representative will have the right to present information (both in writing and through witnesses) and to question others who have provided information.

The committee will issue written findings and recommendations within a reasonable time with copies to all parties concerned.


The findings and recommendations of the Grievance Committee will be submitted to the President for review and final decision. 总统可以批准, 不赞成, or modify the committee's recommendations or may remand the case back to the committee for further investigation. 总统将以书面形式发布一项决定,并将副本分发给有关各方. 这个决定是最终的,在学院内具有约束力.


这些委员会将根据需要组成.  Each consists of 五个 members from the administrative and administrative support staff; membership on these committees is limited to regular full-time staff members. The 五个 members of each committee will be appointed by the President on the following basis: four members will be selected by the President -- three selected from 工作人员 Council nominations and two of her own choosing.  如果没有收到工作人员的提名, 总统将自行挑选五名成员.