

澳门葡京博彩软件奖学金 & Postgraduate Scholarships Program advises Smith students and recent alumnae who wish to apply for competitive national and international fellowships. 我们approach-informing, 建议, 鼓励, and working with candidates and their 导师—adopts the “by design” approach of the 拉撒路职业发展中心. Fellowship applications aren’t developed in isolation. They reflect your best ideas of what you want to do and why. They also reflect who you are and what you’ve achieved. They reflect your values and capture some of your dreams.


Fellowship advisers seek to enable students and alumnae to imagine and create future pathways that fulfill their passions; fit their educational, career and life goals; and further Smith’s mission of developing engaged global citizens and leaders to address society’s challenges.

通过奖学金建议, advisers help applicants aspire to awards that fit them; plan for graduate and professional school; and pursue once-in-a-lifetime experiences.

The process of applying for a fellowship is collaboration involving lots of conversations across campus with 导师 and advisers.

奖学金 exploration starts with an introduction to relevant opportunities through our website and conversation with fellowships advisers and other campus 导师. When a fellowships plan takes shape and is agreed upon by the individuals and their advisers, candidates begin working on drafts of essays in preparation for applying.

When you are certain that you are ready and are an appropriate candidate for one or more fellowships, express your interest and talk with a fellowships adviser about how to start your application. 我们会和你的指导老师联系. 然后,我们开始工作. 



观看这个短视频 prepared by three fellowships advisers to explain the fellowships application process.


我们在这里讨论的是你的未来! 边走边整理思绪.


与同龄人交谈, 导师, teachers—will help you clarify all dimensions of the application you will submit.



导演,奖学金 & 研究生奖学金计划

Andrew Dausch works in partnership with faculty and staff to promote national fellowships and postgraduate scholarship opportunities across 澳门葡京博彩软件’s diverse student population. He advises students and recent alumnae on a broad portfolio of awards. 特别是, he helps students navigate the process of applying for fellowships requiring endorsement and postgraduate awards by helping them develop their scholarly credentials and prepare their application materials.   

安德鲁于2016年开始在澳门葡京博彩软件工作. He was trained as an intellectual and cultural historian of Europe and Latin America with a specialization in cultural diplomacy, 社会科学史, and Franco-Brazilian transnational scholarly exchange. He earned his doctorate in history at the University of Massachusetts Amherst and has taught courses in European, 拉丁美洲的, 和世界历史.


助理主任,研究金 & 研究生奖学金计划

Jasmine Stork works with staff and faculty to promote fellowship opportunities for current and recently graduated students. She supports students across all academic years on a broad portfolio of awards, with a focus on early career students (freshmen and sophomores) and early opportunities. Jasmine is especially passionate about helping students think broadly about opportunities that will best enrich their college experience while gaining skills for their future careers. She works with students to select appropriate opportunities and develop their application materials. 她利用自己的团契经历, including her time as an English Teaching Assistant in Poland, to better support students through an emphasis on holistic and self-reflective 建议. 

贾思敏于2022年开始在澳门葡京博彩软件工作. She was trained in cultural studies (PhD) with a specialization in digital folklore and online research methodologies, and in public health (MPH) with an emphasis on marginalized and emerging communities. She focused particularly on intersections of digital identities and communities through Fandom Studies, 残疾研究, 脂肪的研究, 以及无性研究. She earned her doctoral and masters degrees from Ohio State University and has taught courses in Science & 技术研究和文化研究.


Make an appointment with Andrew Dausch or Jasmine Stork using your 握手 账户. Log in to 握手, select "Career Center" and then "Appointments." Choose one of the "奖学金/Scholarships" appointment types. For your first appointment, choose a 60-minute appointment. For a follow-up appointment, you may choose a 30- or 60-minute appointment.


  • When you make your first appointment, there will be a short form where you can share your interests.
  • If you want to explore fellowship options before you decide where you will focus, please share a copy of your resume and your unofficial transcript prior to your meeting.


  • 如果你有一段时间没见过. 道许博士或博士. Stork, please share a copy of your updated resume and unofficial transcript ahead of your meeting.

Review of the Final Draft of Your Fellowship Application

Share your draft at least 24 hours ahead of your scheduled appointment.