

To refine your fellowship choices, review the chart below of fellowships supported by Smith. 如需要背书, we work with others on campus to make selections and provide support for endorsed candidates. 在你自己做了一些探索之后, fill out our questionnaire to express interest and meet with us. Keep talking with us, your faculty advisers and other mentors about your plans. 协作将确保您的计划为您量身定制, 符合你的目标和学术水平.

关于公民身份的说明: U.S. 公民可以申请以下列出的所有机会. Those with a different citizenship may apply for some opportunities listed. 查看信息表了解更多细节.

国家 & 国际竞争性奖学金


奖学金 资格 时机 额外的信息
白洁 美国公民. 初中应用. 秋季选出一名提名人. 拜内克信息表
丘吉尔 美国公民,老年人,校友. 英国STEM研究生奖学金. 春季评选最多两名提名者. 丘吉尔资料表
德意志研究 所有国籍,大四学生,校友. 研究生奖学金. 大多数学科. 夏季/早秋精选澳门葡京博彩软件代言. DAAD信息表
富布赖特 美国公民,老年人,校友. 国际研究生奖学金. 早点出发. Preparation necessary well ahead of external application dates. Application preparation begins in spring of intended application year. 富布赖特焦点
戈德华特 美国公民 & 国民、永久居民. 茎二年级的学生 & 初中应用. 四名提名者的秋季选拔. 金水信息表 | 其他
马歇尔 美国公民,老年人,校友. 英国研究生奖学金. 任何学科. 演示的竞争力 & 在春天表达兴趣,通常是大三的时候. 马歇尔资料表
麦考尔·麦克贝恩奖学金 所有国籍,大四学生和校友. 在麦吉尔大学获得大多数领域的硕士学位. 演示的竞争力 & express interest by spring/early summer, typically of junior year.  
米切尔 美国公民,老年人,校友. 爱尔兰研究生奖学金. 老年人 & 30岁以下校友. 春季提名名单. 米切尔信息表
罗兹 参赛资格因比赛而异. US award competition open to 美国公民, permanent residents and DACA students. 老年人,校友. 英国研究生奖学金. 几乎所有学科. 演示的竞争力 and express interest in spring, typically of junior year. Smith will endorse one or two highly qualified candidates for the US competition. 罗德资讯表
杜鲁门 美国公民. 初中应用. 需要三年的公共服务承诺. 演示的竞争力 and express interest no later than early fall semester of junior year. Smith may nominate up to four candidates, plus up to three transfer students. 杜鲁门信息表
尤德尔 美国公民,永久居民. 二年级的学生 & 初中应用. 尤德尔 features distinct Tribal Policy/Native 健康care awards open only to American Indians or Alaskan Natives. 表达对秋季访问应用程序的兴趣. 提名最多四名符合资格的环境轨道. 在第二类中,同样数量的人可以被提名. 尤德尔信息表

Seek fellowships advising support as you prepare your application for these programs.

奖学金 资格 时机 额外的信息
批判性语言奖学金 美国公民 & 公民. Open to enrolled students in any discipline and any year of undergraduate or graduate study. 11月中旬截止日期.  
德意志上升 各民族 (additional conditions for German citizens). 二年级的学生,初中. 12月中旬截止日期.  
盖茨剑桥 所有国籍(英国除外). 老年人,校友. 英国研究生奖学金. October for 美国公民 in US; December/January for others. 盖茨剑桥信息表
赫兹 美国公民. 老年人,校友. STEM研究生奖学金. 10月下旬对外截止日期. 赫兹信息表
Knight-Hennessy 各民族. 老年人,校友. 研究生奖学金. 申请前的夏季. Smith offers institutional endorsement as supplement to required 2 letters of recommendation. 轩尼诗信息表
NOAA的目的 美国公民. 二年级学生申请与NOAA的任务相关的专业. Candidates must express their interests and find their sponsoring recommenders in the fall of sophomore year. 外部入学申请截止日期为1月中旬. NOAA的目的信息表
美国公民,永久居民. 老年人,校友. 研究生奖学金. Candidates must express interest in applying in the spring preceding application. Will need to work with a faculty research mentor and may seek advice from 奖学金. NSF信息表 
佩恩 美国公民. 老年人,校友. 鼓励弱势学生. 研究生奖学金. 秋天的应用程序. 佩恩信息表
皮克林 美国公民. 老年人,校友. 鼓励弱势学生. 研究生奖学金. 秋天的应用程序. 皮克林信息表
PPIA青少年暑期学院 各民族 (but program options limited for international students). 初中只. 11月中旬截止日期.  
兰格 美国公民. 老年人,校友. 鼓励弱势学生. 研究生奖学金. 秋天的应用程序. 兰格信息表
兰格尔夏季充实计划 美国公民. 二年级,三年级,四年级. 2月中旬截止日期.  
施瓦茨曼 各民族. 老年人,校友. 研究生奖学金. 演示的竞争力 and express interest in spring semester. 中国申请者截止日期为5月底. 其他申请者,截止日期为9月底. 苏世民信息表
斯科维尔 美国公民 & foreign 公民 (currently live in US and have work visa valid for length of program). 老年人,校友. 春季奖项截止日期为10月初. 1月初是秋季奖学金的截止日期.  
美国移民、移民子女和DACA学生. 老年人,校友. 研究生奖学金. 11月1日截止日期. 索罗斯信息表
英国暑期学院 美国公民. 新生 & sophomores with little to no travel/study experience outside North America. 2月初截止日期.  
Yenching 各民族. 老年人,校友. 研究生奖学金. 12月外部截止日期. 燕京信息表


As a prospective fellowships applicant you want to know that you are “in the right ballpark,” meaning that you meet the eligibility requirements for a program and have sufficient relevant strengths and experience to make you a strong potential applicant. 一旦你在球场上, your commitment to the application process will make the difference between being a strong potential applicant and becoming a competitive applicant. 奖学金 advisers guide you in making the most of the application process.

GPA is one measure—but by no means the only measure—of academic excellence. 我们建议的大多数奖学金都是竞争激烈的. 一般来说,获奖者的gpa会很高. Some of the most competitive awards (UK graduate scholarships, 例如)可以指定GPA至少为3.7. 其他竞争奖项, 喜欢富布赖特, 可以不指定最低绩点, but they will look closely at your transcript for your academic success in the courses most relevant for, 说, the graduate course or research you plan to pursue while on your fellowship.

Your job as a candidate is to understand what your program means by academic excellence, and then make your best case for how you’ve demonstrated relevant strengths and achievements.

奖学金 programs seek talented and diverse individuals who are ready to make the most of the opportunities on offer. “Talent” is defined in multiple ways by the various programs and most fellowships pride themselves for the different backgrounds and interests of their fellows. Your unique talents will be appreciated by some programs—the challenge is matching your talents to particular programs.

All programs focus their pursuit of excellence based on what matters most to them: for example, exercise of leadership or pursuit of public service or creation of new knowledge. 候选人需要有相关的准备和成绩. 有时候学习成绩优秀是最重要的. Sometimes a record of impact as a change maker or leader may matter most. 作为一名潜在的候选人,发挥你的优势.


The universe of fellowships does not end with our list of principal fellowships. 存在更多的可能性. 查看更多资源 资源页面 for links to databases of opportunities that you can search according to your personal circumstances (e.g. 公民身份,学习学年)和奖励类型(例如.g. research award, postgraduate scholarship, summer program, study abroad).

“I am proudest of learning what specific research questions I am interested in ... 描述我的目标和能力是一种激励.”
Mackenzie Litz, 20岁
“My applications helped me better realize and articulate my life and career goals.”
Natalie Baillargeon, 21岁

实习 & 研究生的经历

Sometimes a rising senior or recent alum is looking for a post-grad experience in the United States that has some of the elements of fellowship (competitive, 领导力培训, 网络队列),但不是正式的研究生院. 这类机会经常在广告上刊登 握手 or search engines as “internships” or “jobs,” as well as “fellowships.” The level of stipends and benefits associated with each program varies greatly. 一定要阅读细则!

“Applying for the 富布赖特 grant made me realize how important it is to travel and seize opportunities at this phase of my life.”
索菲亚·大卫' 20